Training Programs

License to Launch

Struggling to navigate regulatory hoops?

Our team is here to help! In our License to Launch training program, your team will learn how to effectively navigate the often complicated and confusing process of regulatory roadblocks, how to obtain the proper licensing, secure grants, and develop a product that is streamlined for regulatory clearance success. This program is great for for:

Equipment Manufacturers

Federal Contractors

Companies with multiple divisions and engineering agents

space law training program

What you will learn in License to Launch

Spectrum Regulation

Understanding who the key regulators are, what they regulate, and how to leverage that in your favor

Getting Product to Market

Federal, Commercial, & International considerations.

Licensing & Equipment Certification

Operating within regulations, do’s and don’t’s.

Experimental Licensing

How-to and why it matters to get it right. Coordinating your roadmap with the right tracking tools.

When to Call for Help

Spectrum selection, testing across broad swaths of spectrum, licensing your waveforms, and other complex processes.

Open Forum

Our training program includes Q&A with our legal experts.

Learn to Launch

Designing a product, and not sure what things to consider?

Our Learn to Launch workshop is a smaller version of our License to Launch course, and takes your team on a walk down regulatory lane, giving you insight into considerations that will help you navigate the often complicated and confusing process of regulatory, licensing, grants, and product development. This program is great for for:


RF Managers

Departments with engineering agents

regulatory clearance space technology

What you will discover in Learn to Launch

Spectrum Regulation

Understanding who the key regulators are, what they regulate, and how to leverage that in your favor

Experimental Licensing

How-to and why it matters to get it right. Coordinating your roadmap with the right tracking tools.

Licensing & Equipment Certification

Operating within regulations, do’s and don’t’s.

Spectrum Selection

The spectrum you design your product for will dictate not just your capabilities now, but into the future.

Getting Product to Market

Federal, Commercial, International considerations

Imagery Licensing

Imagery from space is regulated as well. Here are strategies to get you through the process.

Why Seek Training?

With the right knowledge and tools, your team can save a lot of time and money by developing expertise in-house. With nearly three decades of experience in regulatory success, we train space innovation companies to build in-house licensing skills with our “License to Launch” program.


We successfully train clients on licensing and experimental licensing processes, ensuring regulatory compliance, and spectrum selection and utilization. We help build processes for your team, with information and tools to be proactive in your own licensing requirements, now and into the future.

team training engineers space technology satellite development design

Enable your team to navigate licensing

Many companies successfully develop a viable product, and instinctively want to cue it up for launch. It’s not until then that they need to license it. This process can take a significant amount of time. Having an internal process and support team to engage with regulatory agencies at the right time to begin the licensing process, is critical to your company’s success While some licensing processes are complicated, and consuming, not all are.


The goal of this training course is to provide your team with the knowledge, training, and tracking tools that they will need to get through the most common, recurring, straightforward licensing needs. We future-proof your development processes with the information and tools to be proactive in your own licensing requirements now, and in the future. With the right support, you’ll be able to manage all your various licenses, and radio frequencies for compliance and non-interference.


When to call for help?

Even with training, sometimes you will run into more problematic or challenging scenarios. After training support is available for:

FAA Coordination

New Product Development

AFTRCC Coordination

New Frequency Operations

Frequency Selection
