Summit 2024: Spectrum Control for Resilient Space Operations

June 11 · 7:30am – June 13 · 5pm EDT – Register HERE

MITRE Corporation202 Burlington Road Bedford, MA 01730

Join us at the MITRE Corporation for a deep dive into Spectrum Control for Resilient Space Operations. Our team will be there presenting on strategies for successful regulatory practices. This in-person event brings together experts in the field to discuss the latest trends, challenges, and solutions in controlling the spectrum battlespace throughout all phases of military operations. Don’t miss this opportunity to network, learn, and collaborate with industry leaders and innovators.

Resilient successful operations of Space-based assets for communications, sensors, and position navigation and timing (PNT) are dependent upon access to and control over Electro-Magnetic Spectrum (EMS). For several decades, the U.S. has had the advantage of EMS dominance during multiple conflicts. However, enormous EMS technology investments by pacing-threat nations over the past few decades, further complicated by a recent rapid growth and democratization of global cyberspace and commercial telecommunication services have diminished U.S. dominance in some theaters. The world is becoming interconnected, and the Electromagnetic Environment (EME) has become a global social public good that must be protected as a matter of National interest.

U.S. DOD is undergoing substantial culture change and evolving doctrine for Electronic Warfare (EW) and for utilizing EMS. Taxonomy and lexicon of EW is changing. Resiliency of Space-based assets will require development by DOD of revolutionary technologies that surpass current pacing threats. These developments include leveraging emerging commercial technologies with integrated architecture, accelerating investments in modernization of weapon systems, and developing flexible strategies for EMS Operations (EMSO). Emerging EMSO strategies include innovative agile ways to share spectrum flexibly and leverage commercial services but maintain security and protect legal and liability issues.

The Summit will explore current and emerging DOD EMS technological capabilities, architecture, doctrine, and operational considerations to assert necessary degrees of control, ranging from parity to supremacy, for successful integrated offensive and defensive ground, maritime, air and resilient Space operations, with emphasis on Space. Ultimately, spectrum superiority will help ensure that the immediate decision makers in the battlespaces have the right information at the right time to make the right decisions and give our warfighters a decisive tactical advantage.