Happy Holidays from the team at Washington Federal Strategies!
We had an exciting year in 2022, and as we sit here reflecting on the opportunities we were lucky to embrace, we are reminded how grateful we are to have been able to assist our clients in securing their missions.
To be involved in the future of space, defense, environmental protection, and innovations that are literally out of this world, we want to share some of the win-wins that we and our clients have realized this year.

Some things we accomplished:
- Lead a workshop on Navigating 5G and Aviation in the Autonomous Drone Industry for Genius NY
- Attended and exhibited at the Satellite 2022 show in Washington DC
- Assisted the innovation team at Syeyeon in getting one step closer to providing VLEO high-res earth imagery with their smallsat spacecraft
- Delivered experimental licensing on Orion Space Solution’s Rapid Revisit Optical Cloud Imager for mission-critical weather monitoring
- Built our License to Launch training program, that provides in-house training and tool for companies who wish to secure their own experimental licensing
- Obtained regulatory clearance for Sky and Space’s nanosatellite project
- Helped World View Space advance the future of space tourism with their stratospheric balloon that will take people to the edge of space
- Supported BlueHalo through the process of federal licensing and equipment certification for participation in the SpRCO’s Satellite Communication Augmentation Resource program
- Participated in SpaceX’s launch of Transporter 5 launch with the Falcon 9 stage booster
- Secured last-minute experimental access to a testing range for a client’s project, in collaboration with the DOD and the Yuma proving grounds
- Helped advance BlueHalo’s BADGER project through the licensing of their digital beamformed phased array system
- Participated in the DOD Commercial SatCom workshop in DC
With gratitude, we wish your team a wonderful holiday season, and we look forward to serving you in 2023!
Best regards,
Anne Linton Cortez & the team at Washington Federal Strategies